Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm going to hate myself later today....

WHAT: I have just created my blog. (woohoo!)

I don't think I have ever had an official blog, not if you count Xanga which I never really considered a serious blog anyway. Just a bunch of random musings, if not mostly to vent about frustrations over a boy!

Well, this took me long enough!! I have been on the computer since 12 a.m., maybe even longer! Oh I really hope I stick with this otherwise I am going to kick myself in the shins for wasting what 3 hours I really needed to use for sleep. Sleep-deprivation on top of sleep-deprivation + THAT time of the month....yeah, you do the math!

But I figure this is worth it. I don't have to waste my time later this evening trying to come up with a title and a url for my blog. I am going to try and sleep a full 8 hours because I suspect it will be the last time I will EVER sleep for 8 hours until the end of August next year!

WHEN: It is the eve of the day I go back to school. I am officially a student....again! Only this time, I am in it to receive my license, finally! Even if it is just for Vocational Nursing, at this point, that is cause for celebration. Unfortunately, *some of you may not agree. Oh well! We will just have to agree to disagree on that issue.

WHY: I created this blog so that I could update you-my dear family & friends-on our family life. I can only imagine the worst after school starts: that this year will just be one big blur & I will miss out on most of the moments because my nose is stuck in my nursing books or sleeping or working, who knows? I sincerely believe that I am doing this to BETTER not only myself both academically & educationally, but to benefit my family. I am expecting the worst, & hoping for the best. I am nervous, scared, & excited all at the same time because, as many of you already know, this has been a long time coming. Yes, I should have finished a LOOOONG time ago. But you know what? I don't regret my children. Having them did not stop me from continuing to pursue what I wanted to do. It delayed it, somewhat.

Sure. I have a hard time, I'll admit. I have had a hard time and I will have an even harder time, if only for this year. But still I am BLESSED.

This is where you fall in.

HOW: You see, I could find a million and one things to be negative about, but I am choosing to remain positive. I am choosing to remain focused and remind myself why I am doing this in the first place. Your love, your on-going encouragement, and overall continued support, not just monetary, (if that is what you believe your role is in my life) is what is making this effort possible. I sincerely believe that we are only as strong as our support system.

WHO: In the past, the end goal was only for me to be able to provide for and create a life for myself, but now....Isaiah and Audrey have changed all of that. They are THE REASON.

This is an account of my journey, for ONE YEAR....

as a mom,

as a nursing student,

& as a partner.

And at the end of this journey, if 'this is all I have time for', (sharing snippets of daily life whether it be a line or an account of a whole story because, really, it IS all that I have time for) so that I can provide a better life for my children, myself, and my family as a whole, then my hope and prayer is that I will be able to say, 'it was worth it all'.

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