Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm taking a mind break. I'm doing a marathon reading, but my mind was going nowhere. I have class @ 7:30.

Let's just hope this doesn't become the "norm".

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Worst Case Scenario

Since the volvo is still unavailable, Cyrus made an arrangement with his dad to use his "replacement", an old beat-up American car. I'm not sure what the make is, but whatever it is, it's a pieceofcrap!

So I'm thinking I may have to take the bus on the way back home. No worries. Not like I've never taken it before. It's just been awhile. I am calling Cyrus right now to get the details on my mode of transportation. ::dialing:: No answer.

Right. So....I'm going to get ready now. And hopefully I will be informed really soon what the plans are.

So much for first day of school!!

The upside: I now have a cell phone. I am no longer living in the dark ages!! Yes! You may contact me now. Hahaha!

Okay, so I have been informed that: I will indeed make it to my first day of class today. Cyrus was dropped off by Marc. Awesomeness.

Anyway, to mark my first day as a nursing student, I want to share this very relevant poem I stumbled upon on the internet. It's funny, but downright honest. It is too bad that Isaiah and Audrey won't be able to understand exactly why I will be absent from their little lives today or for the rest of the year, actually. I just hope and pray that it doesn't scar them enough that they will remember too much. Although, Isaiah has the memory of an elephant, he may be the exception. Well, without further ado, here it is:

Neglected ChildrenAuthor unknown (but had to be aNursing student!)
Our home is seldom very clean
The meals are not as good
And we don’t take a bath,
As we ordinarily would.
The hamper is overflowing,
The ironing is seldom done,
And the socks that were neatly in the drawer,
Are practically down to none.
She was a model mother,
The house was shiny and bright,
She was so even-tempered,
And a perfect “guiding light”.
But all that now has changed,
Dust “neath the bed does pool”,
Where is that wonderful mother?
Why Mother goes to school!
She has no time for cleaning,
We kids must do our best,
We’re having eggs for dinner,
Cause Mom is having a test!
She got a terrible longing,
A nurse she wanted to be,
So she nagged our dad for tuition
And the poor guy had to agree!
So every morning she packs her books
And walks out of the door,
We’d like to try and stop her,
But we’re sticking to the floor!
We take our vitamins and drink our juice,
Cause it would be terribly cruel,
If we caught a cold and fever
And Mother couldn’t go to school!
So if you’re in the hospital,
And on your back you lie
If you happen to see a student nurse
Tell Mom we all said – Hi!

Monday, September 7, 2009


It's 9 in the morning. I have been awake since 8:30. That's not the problem.

The problem is that Marc is playing the FREAKING MUSIC ON FULL VOLUME!!!!!! And not only that....HE'S SINGING ALONG WITH THE SONG AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS!!!!!


And there are people yelling and shouting.

Really family? Really?

Aww, Isaiah, Audrey, & Cy just came back upstairs. Audrey has her hair in curlers, like she's getting ready for her debut or something. Oh MY..Thanks Lola! Hahahahaa! That's it.

Okay, I'm up!!!! I'm getting up. But they can't make me like it! Today better be a good day (ahem: Cyrus!)

just kidding. :P

I'm going to hate myself later today....

WHAT: I have just created my blog. (woohoo!)

I don't think I have ever had an official blog, not if you count Xanga which I never really considered a serious blog anyway. Just a bunch of random musings, if not mostly to vent about frustrations over a boy!

Well, this took me long enough!! I have been on the computer since 12 a.m., maybe even longer! Oh I really hope I stick with this otherwise I am going to kick myself in the shins for wasting what 3 hours I really needed to use for sleep. Sleep-deprivation on top of sleep-deprivation + THAT time of the month....yeah, you do the math!

But I figure this is worth it. I don't have to waste my time later this evening trying to come up with a title and a url for my blog. I am going to try and sleep a full 8 hours because I suspect it will be the last time I will EVER sleep for 8 hours until the end of August next year!

WHEN: It is the eve of the day I go back to school. I am officially a student....again! Only this time, I am in it to receive my license, finally! Even if it is just for Vocational Nursing, at this point, that is cause for celebration. Unfortunately, *some of you may not agree. Oh well! We will just have to agree to disagree on that issue.

WHY: I created this blog so that I could update you-my dear family & friends-on our family life. I can only imagine the worst after school starts: that this year will just be one big blur & I will miss out on most of the moments because my nose is stuck in my nursing books or sleeping or working, who knows? I sincerely believe that I am doing this to BETTER not only myself both academically & educationally, but to benefit my family. I am expecting the worst, & hoping for the best. I am nervous, scared, & excited all at the same time because, as many of you already know, this has been a long time coming. Yes, I should have finished a LOOOONG time ago. But you know what? I don't regret my children. Having them did not stop me from continuing to pursue what I wanted to do. It delayed it, somewhat.

Sure. I have a hard time, I'll admit. I have had a hard time and I will have an even harder time, if only for this year. But still I am BLESSED.

This is where you fall in.

HOW: You see, I could find a million and one things to be negative about, but I am choosing to remain positive. I am choosing to remain focused and remind myself why I am doing this in the first place. Your love, your on-going encouragement, and overall continued support, not just monetary, (if that is what you believe your role is in my life) is what is making this effort possible. I sincerely believe that we are only as strong as our support system.

WHO: In the past, the end goal was only for me to be able to provide for and create a life for myself, but now....Isaiah and Audrey have changed all of that. They are THE REASON.

This is an account of my journey, for ONE YEAR....

as a mom,

as a nursing student,

& as a partner.

And at the end of this journey, if 'this is all I have time for', (sharing snippets of daily life whether it be a line or an account of a whole story because, really, it IS all that I have time for) so that I can provide a better life for my children, myself, and my family as a whole, then my hope and prayer is that I will be able to say, 'it was worth it all'.